As an EVKAP interior door manufacturer in Turkey, we will give you information about how to determine the door swing and in which direction the doors should be opened.
Let’s determine door opening direction;
For example, you will carry items and the items do not pass through the door easily because the direction of the door is reversed. This will be quite annoying. In such a case, if the door swing is incorrectly determined, you can easily remove the door by removing the door.
You can find a solution by removing the door while carrying items, but in case of emergency, if the door opens in the opposite direction, a huge problem will occur here. Because people can easily harm each other in anxious and fearful situations.
A door opening in the opposite direction will cause trouble during the escape and may even cause people to crush each other. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly determine the door swing during assembly and to install them accordingly.
Another point to be considered when determining the door direction is the hinge direction. Hinges should be chosen according to the direction of the door and the correct hinge should be used during assembly.
For example, if you buy a left-hinged door, the door lock is on the right, and the hinges are mounted to the left and the door opens in the left direction.
Both door directions can be used in the buildings. Accordingly, the directions of the doors in the building are determined. For example, while the room and building entrance doors open inside, doors used in crowded environments such as cinema and theater open outwards.
Doors can be single-winged or double-winged, regardless of their direction. In other words, a door opening inside can be single-winged or double-winged. Likewise, a door that opens outwards can be single-wing or double-wing.
Double wing doors are the type of doors that you can often see in places such as post offices, markets, pharmacies.
As you can see, it is very easy to determine the door swing, only by meeting some criteria, we are provided with safer doors that will make our life easier.
So how are door sizes determined? What is the standard door size? Let’s examine it all together.
What is the Standard of a Door Size?
As with any job, there are some standard sizes set for doors. Doors are produced according to these standard sizes unless special demand or otherwise is stated. According to this;
- Door width at least: 80 cm
- Standard door width: 90 cm
- Door width at the entrance of the apartment: 100 cm
Room doors, bathroom, and WC door widths may differ from each other.
- WC door width can be 70 cm.
Accordingly, different sizes can be used in garden gates.
- Garden doors can be manufactured between 180 cm – 250 cm.
Usually, in a normal building, the door height is between 205 and 215 cm. However, in places such as shops, companies, and workplaces, the door dimensions can be between 250 and 300 cm.
In double-wing or single-wing doors, these dimensions vary. Double-leaf doors can have a width of 140 – 180 cm.
How many people will be in the area where the door will be built is also a criterion for determining the door size. School gates are usually between 95 cm and 100 cm.
Accordingly, door dimensions change in areas such as theater and conference halls.
As a result;
For you, these dimensions can be a bit confusing. However, with the assurance of EVKAP, the size of each door you will have is made following your area. Based on our 65 years of experience, we would like to point out that if you are looking for a specialist door manufacturer, just contact us. EVKAP produces the doors that open to happiness for you.
EVKAP is one of the best interior door manufacturers in Turkey to serve every budget with different assortments. We are at your service with many door models including lacquered door models, panel door models, Melamine door models, PVC door models, laminate door models, composite door models, fire-resistant door models.
We are here with door models that are renewed every year following fashion and season.
For detailed information about 2021 interior door models, you can review our interior door catalog and contact us.
Are you ready to have the door of your dreams? Meet with EVKAP assurance and enjoy long-lasting, healthy doors.

Evkap Door – Content Writer